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Advocating for a seamless digital customer experience as a way to reach high levels of business profitability. 

Evangelising UX Strategy

  • Creating and actively maintaining UX strategy, vision statement and design guidelines

  • Balancing business strategy, research findings, and creative innovation

  • Running ideation and design thinking sessions with senior management, business primes, product and project managers to find a best solutions:

Design Sprint Sessions

Few day process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. Allows to bring business strategy, innovation, behaviour science and design thinking together.

User Persona Workshops

These workshops help not just to create personas, but to get everyone to know the users better by talking about them in more details.

Customer Journey Mapping

Enables the collecting and organising of all the information about the connection between a product and its users. The customer journey workshop helps to align the business goals and user needs.

Life in UX / Tech Communities

Being a part of local UX / Tech communities helps me not only to inspire others professionals, but also to widen my network and get possibility to be in touch with thought leaders in the industry and learn the best from them.

  1. Ladies That UX Amsterdam meet-up at Fashion United

    Discussing B2B Product Design: Value-based Dashboards with Jane Portman & Improving The Product Experience: From Sales To Design with Atlassian

  2. NN/g Conference Amsterdam 2015
  3. Panel Discussion (Codemotion Amsterdam 2018)
  4. Panel Discussion (Codemotion Amsterdam 2018)
  5. 1st Ladies That UX Amsterdam Anniversary
  6. Ladies That UX Amsterdam
  7. Ladies That UX Amsterdam Team
  8. Women in Tech Awards (London 2018)
  9. Nadia @LTUX Amsterdam
  10. Attending UX workshop
  11. Women in Tech Awards (London 2018)
  12. Women in Tech
  13. Ladies That UX Amsterdam @IceMobile
  14. Panel Discussion (Codemotion Amsterdam 2018)
  15. Speaking at Codemotion Amsterdam 2018

Public Speaking 

Presenting as public speaker and blog author at local meet-ups and international conferences.


UX Events Organisation

Spreading the knowledge by organising and chairing various tech events - from local meet-ups to international conferences.


Communities Support

I am not only an active member of local UX and tech communities, but also a frequent facilitator and organiser for few of them. 

Women in Tech

Thriving to make tech community more diverse & inclusive. Aiming to increase female visibility and number of women as role models in tech. 


Need help organising UX event? Or looking for speaker?

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